Vegetable vendor killed in minor dispute: Neighbor attacked with sharp weapons, died before reaching hospital

JalandharOne hour ago

A man was attacked and killed with sharp weapons at the New Model House in Jalandhar, Punjab. The murder followed a quarrel that started over a trivial matter by the neighbors living in the street. The deceased used to sell vegetables.

The vegetable vendor who died has been identified as Nath (40). Nath was originally from Maharashtra. In Jalandhar, he worked as a vegetable seller and lived with his family in the Model House. Nath’s wife Mala told that when her husband returned home after selling vegetables, Shankar Chauhan, who lived in the street, collided with each other. Both of them got shoulder to shoulder with each other.

It was on this matter that a quarrel started between the two. Shankar’s son also came there. The altercation gradually escalated into a fight that escalated into abusive language. During this, Shankar and his son attacked Nath with a sharp weapon. Nath was hit on the head and face with a sharp weapon. Nath was badly injured in the attack.

The relatives picked up Nath with immediate effect and brought him to the Civil Hospital. Where the doctors declared him brought dead. When the relatives were bringing Nath to the hospital in a bleeding condition, he died on the way. The family that attacked Nath is also originally from Maharashtra.

Came to Punjab 12 years ago

The wife of the deceased, Mala told that he has been living in Punjab for 12 years. He has two sons and one daughter in his family. Her husband was the only earner in the family. He was making a living by selling vegetables. How will she take care of her small children after death? He has urged the police for justice that the killers of her husband should be caught and punished at the earliest.

The accused absconded after the incident

Shankar, his son and family have run away from home after Nath’s murder. The police have started raids to nab the accused, but the police have not got success yet. The police have registered a case of murder against the accused in the police station Bhargava camp. Gagandeep Singh Sekhon, in-charge of Bhargava Camp police station said that a case has been registered on the statements of the family. Raids are being conducted by forming teams to find the accused. The accused will be caught soon.

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