US Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul’s health is now improving, the family was attacked by a deadly attack

Attack on Nancy Pelosi & Paul Pelosi: US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her husband Paul Pelosi’s family were attacked by an unidentified assailant in recent days. Paul Pelosi was seriously injured in the attack. Now his health is improving, his wife Nancy Pelosi himself shared this information on Twitter. Nancy said that thanks to law enforcement and emergency services. Now my health condition is improving after the violent attack of my husband Paul.

Paul Pelosi was hit on the head with a hammer by unidentified men at his San Francisco home in California, fracturing Paul’s skull. He also underwent serious surgery. Thanking Nancy Pelosi said on Twitter that everyone’s prayers and best wishes. Helped the family and husband’s recovery is in progress.

Nancy Pelosi expressed her gratitude to the people and referred to what is written in the book of Isaiah that those words have brought us peace because it says “Do not be afraid I am with you, do not be discouraged because I am your God.” I am, “I will strengthen you and help you”.

attacked in house

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In their San Francisco home in California, an unidentified man in search of Nancy Pelosi also tried to tie up her husband and attacked her with a hammer, in which she suffered serious injuries. Giving information about the incident, Nancy said in the press release that a violent person entered the house in search of me and ransacked our house, while there he has also attacked us fatally.

She had said, “Me, my husband, children and our grandchildren are in shock from the attack.” The accused was arrested after Nancy’s information. Pelosi’s spokesman said the attacker had been taken into custody and the motive behind the attack was being investigated.

Deppe will be tried for murder

San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins said the man accused of assaulting Paul Pelosi is expected to appear on Tuesday. According to CNN, David Deppe is facing several serious charges including murder charges for hammering Pelosi’s home. Local law and enforcement are taking the partner’s side, and Deppe will be sued and presented on Tuesday, bringing to the fore several serious charges.

Joe Biden condemned the attack

US President Joe Biden strongly condemned the incident during a dinner in Philadelphia. In his response, he said that the attack was disgusting. It’s low, it has no place in America. This attack is too much violence and political violence. Karian Jean-Pierre and Kamala Harris also strongly condemned the incident.

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