US Air Force will get the most powerful military aircraft B-21 Raider, know its specialty

US Air Force: The US Air Force is going to get the B-21 raider equipped with modern technology on December 2, which has been prepared by Northrop Grumman Company. The B-21 Raider will replace the B-1 and B-2. This stealth bombers is a new generation B-21 military aircraft, which is the most powerful aircraft ever. It will be handed over to the Army on December 2 and will be ready for deployment by early 2023 next year. It will gradually replace the B-1 and B-2 – the army’s existing stealth bombers.

Aircraft B-21 has been designed by military contractor Northrop Grumman. Northrop Vice President Doug Young said, ‘This is the most advanced military aircraft ever made.’ According to the report of the British media website Metro, six B-21 stealth bombers aircraft are currently being manufactured in Palmdale, California, which cost about $ 2 billion per aircraft.

Know its features

According to Northrop Grumman, the new aircraft will be a “long-range digital bomber, capable of using fast and agile technology and cloud computing”. The B-2 model has been in service for more than 30 years. The launch of the B-21 Raider will be a historic moment for our Air Force and the nation, said Air Force Chief General CQ Brown Jr. .

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He said that this is going to be a milestone in American military history. The aircraft is also named after its nickname “Raider”, derived from the Doolittle Raid of 1942, in which Lt. Col. James Doolittle led forces in the first attack against Tokyo and the Japanese islands during World War II. did.

The brave spirit of the Doolittle Raiders is the inspiration behind the B-21 Raider’s name, Northrop said. All of Doolittle’s aircraft were destroyed during the bombing, but he eventually remained stationed. He was awarded the Medal of Honor and was promoted to brigadier general upon his return to the United States.

Aircraft will be equipped with modern technology

America claims that the technology of this aircraft is so advanced that no radar in the world can catch it. According to Northrop’s website, success in this sixth generation aircraft has been achieved through its technology, advanced networking capacity and an open system. The B-21 is optimized for high-end threat environments.

It will be capable of carrying conventional or thermonuclear weapons of the US Air Force. The two main things about this aircraft are that firstly it can go for long distances and secondly it will be a stealth strategic bomber which will prevent it from coming under the radar of other countries.

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