Unidentified dead body found 3 days ago was not identified: dead body was found near Godan village, age will be 35 to 40 years

Datia30 minutes ago

The bodies found at village Tedot and Godan road under Godan police station could not be identified even on the third day. Around 10.30 am on Sunday morning, villagers saw a dead body lying on the side of the road. After this the villagers informed the police about this. The police took the dead body in possession and handed it over to the Bhander municipality and buried it after postmortem.

The villagers said that seeing the dead body of the deceased, it seemed that he would be mentally weak. The fellow deceased was wearing white colored off paint. His age will be around 35 to 40 years. Station in-charge SS Tomar said that the cause of death will be known only after the post-mortem report comes. The body has not been identified yet. Efforts to identify the police are on.

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