Two youths who returned from abroad were found corona infected in UP, Deputy CM said – ‘No need to panic’

UP Coronavirus News: Administrative activism has increased in Agra and Unnao districts of Uttar Pradesh after two youths returned from abroad were found infected with Corona (Covid 19). A mock drill will also be conducted on Tuesday regarding the preparations for Covid management in all the hospitals and medical colleges across the state. Meanwhile, Deputy CM Brajesh Pathak, who is handling the health department in the state, has assured that people need not panic as the situation in UP is under control.

Uttar Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak said on Monday, “We have received information about a corona infected patient in Agra, his sample has been sent for genome sequencing.” He said, “There is nothing to worry as the situation is under control and the patient is in isolation at home. The Deputy CM said that “I want to appeal to all those who have traveled abroad recently, stay in home isolation till you get tested for COVID-19”.

Brajesh Pathak said, “If anyone is found infected, they should immediately inform the administration and we will make all arrangements for them.” He told, “On Tuesday, there will be a ‘mockdrill’ at around 10 am in all hospitals, medical colleges across the state to test our Covid management.” There is no need to panic as the situation is under control in Uttar Pradesh.

In fact, a 40-year-old man who returned to Agra from China two days ago was found infected with the corona virus, after which he is in isolation at his home. Chief Medical Officer of Agra Arun Srivastava gave this information on Sunday. He said that the sample of the person would be sent to Lucknow for genome sequencing. Srivastava said, “The person is in isolation at his home and the health department team has been asked to test his family members and people who came in contact with him.”

The infected person had returned to Agra from China via Delhi on December 23, after which he got himself tested in a private laboratory. Srivastava said that the infection was confirmed in the person’s test report. The official said that after November 25 in the district corona virus This case of infection has come to the fore.

On the other hand, according to the news received from Unnao, a young man has been found corona infected in Hasanganj tehsil area of ​​the district after about a month. As soon as the health department received the report of the young man being corona infected, the officials of the department became active. After this, the team of doctors along with the police reached the young man’s house and after separating those who came in contact with him, took samples and sent them to Lucknow for investigation. The sample of the infected youth has been sent to Lucknow Medical College for genome sequencing.

Unnao CMO Dr. Satya Prakash told that the last corona infected patient in the district was found about a month ago. He said that according to the report received from a private laboratory in Lucknow, a 21-year-old youth from a village in Hasanganj has been declared infected with corona. He told that this young man is not showing any symptoms, yet after getting the information, the ‘Rapid Response Team’ from Hasanganj CHC was sent to the house of the infected youth to collect his sample for genome sequencing. The team has sent samples of the youth and 24 people who came in contact with him for investigation.

Investigation report not yet received. He said that until the investigation report is not received, the infected youth and the people who came in contact with him have been isolated at home. The CMO said that the infected youth had come to his home from Dubai about a month ago. To go back to Dubai, he had got a test of Kovid done from a private laboratory in Lucknow, in which he has been declared infected.

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