Two bike riders washed away on the bridge in Mahoba: one was saved by the villagers, the other was swept away with the bike, the team engaged in the rescue

Mahoba23 minutes ago

Team arrived for investigation.

Two youths riding bikes were washed away in the flood waters on the Rapata bridge of Chhani village in Mahoba district. A young man was saved by the villagers. While the other got washed away with the bike in the strong current of water. While the police and villagers are doing rescue in search of the other. As soon as the information of the youth was swept away, a crowd of other people including his family members gathered. The police is continuously engaged in the rescue for his search. As soon as the information was received, the CO and Tehsildar have also reached the spot.

Police reached the spot for rescue.

both were returning from work

Actually, let us tell you that due to the rain that has been happening for the last 3 days, the ripta and drains of Mahoba are in spate. Due to which the difficulties of the common people are also increasing. It is said that the younger sons Halke Ahirwar, Rakesh son Lallu and Babulal son Chunnu, residents of Chhani village of Kabrai police station area, were returning back to their village in the evening after doing labor. When they reached Rapata of Chhani village from Lilwahi, seeing the strong flow of water, Babulal’s son Chunnu got down from the bike.
Rapidly flowing flood water on Rapata bridge.

Rapidly flowing flood water on Rapata bridge.

Bike could not handle in fast flow

Chhote and Rakesh started crossing the slope even after sitting on the bike despite the strong current of water, but due to the strong current of water, he could not handle himself and started flowing along with the bike. In the meantime, the villagers present there saved Rakesh while he was washed away with a small bike. After this the villagers informed the police, when the Kabrai police station reached the spot, the same CO City Ram Pravesh Rai and Tehsildar have also reached the spot.

Police and administrative staff are doing rescue in search of the youth who got swept away in Rapata. But even after a lapse of 3 hours, no trace of the young man has been found. So there the administrative and police personnel are engaged in the rescue operation.

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