Two arrested with illegal pistol in Mirzapur: Police arrested youths who came out in search of customer, 2 cartridges recovered

mirzapur6 hours ago

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Mirzapur district police arrested two youths with pistol and pistol. After registering a case, the police sent both of them to jail. Lalganj police arrested Ankit Singh alias Shalu son Devendra Kumar Singh resident of Sirawal police station Korao district Prayagraj. Whereas Santnagar police arrested Rambabu alias Bikki Patel resident of Jamuhra police station Santnagar with firearm and cartridges.

Young man buying and selling arms

The police station Lalganj got success under the able leadership of the Circle Officer Lalganj. Sub-Inspector Arjun Singh Outpost in-charge Baroudha, accused of possessing illegal arms and smuggling, recovered 1 pistol 32 bore and 2 live cartridges during the Jama search of Ankit Singh alias Shalu on the information of the informer. The youth told that there is a gang who smuggles and smuggles illegal weapons in the district and adjoining districts to get financial benefits and to carry out criminal acts. One of his accomplices has been arrested in police station Kotwali Katra with illegal arms and cartridges.

315 bore gun

Similarly, the Santnagar police station arrested the accused Rambabu alias Bikki Patel resident of Jamuhra police station, Santnagar district, Mirzapur from the police station area. One country-made pistol 315 bore and 1 live cartridge was found from his possession. The youth was arrested by Sant Nagar police station head, sub-inspector Kamal Tavari and SWAT surveillance team in-charge, sub-inspector Rajesh G Choubey in-charge with the help of the team.

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