Tumor removed from brain by inserting microscope through nose: Conference of neurosurgeons of MP-CG started in Bhopal, demo demonstrated by live surgery

Bhopal5 hours ago

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The 35-year-old youth was suffering from headache and vision problems for the last one and a half years. Doctors advised to do MRI. MRI showed a tumor in the pituitary gland. Doctors removed the tumor by inserting binoculars from inside the nose without making any incision. This surgery done in a private hospital was seen live by the neurosurgeons of MP and Chhattisgarh.

Conference will run for two days
In the capital Bhopal, a three-day conference of neurosurgeons and neurophysicians of MP and Chhattisgarh began at Radisson Hotel. About 200 neurosurgeons and neurophysicians from all over the country are participating in this conference along with MP, Chhattisgarh. In this conference on Friday, Dr Y R Yadav HOD Neurosurgery started this conference by doing live surgery in a private hospital. In this conference on Saturday and Sunday also, Neuro Surgeons and Neuro Physicians from across the country will share their research papers. Organizing Chairman of the conference Dr.ID Chaurasia told that at 6 pm, Medical Education Minister Vishwas Sarang will inaugurate this conference. In this, neurosurgeons and neurophysicians from all over the country including Delhi, Mumbai, Raipur, Bilaspur, Nagpur will be involved.

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