Trust vote presented in Punjab Assembly: CM Mann surrounded by opposition; Congress MLA suspended and thrown out; BJP’s walkout; Muttavi till house 29

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  • Bhagwant Mann Punjab Vidhan Sabha Special Session 2022 Update | Governor Lal Purohit Vs AAP MLA

Chandigarh12 hours earlier

The Aam Aadmi Party government has presented the trust vote in the Punjab Assembly session. CM Bhagwant Mann introduced it. Ministers Harpal Cheema and Aman Arora supported it. Its voting will now take place on October 3. After this, Speaker Kultar Sandhwan postponed the proceedings of the Punjab Assembly till 2 pm on 29 September.

Earlier, Congress MLAs said that it was against the law to hold the trust vote. They raised slogans and created ruckus in the assembly. After which the speaker asked him to go out. When the Congress MLAs continued to protest, they were suspended and thrown out for the day. After which he went out and started performing. BJP walked out calling the allegation of ‘Operation Lotus’ false.

CM Bhagwant Mann speaking in Punjab Assembly.

After this, Bhagwant Mann fiercely targeted the opponents. He said that the BJP is making khyali pulao outside. What is Congress doing? People of Punjab are watching this.
Congress MLAs protesting in the assembly.

Congress MLAs protesting in the assembly.

Tell Congress MLA, where is his former CM Channi? : Value
CM Bhagwant Mann said that former CM Charanjit Channi signed many files after changing the government. He wants to know why he signed them but now they are nowhere to be found. He asked the Congressmen where is their former CM Channi?.

Police taking the Akalis into custody while protesting.

Police taking the Akalis into custody while protesting.

Akali leaders detained
Akali Dal leaders and supporters tried to march towards the Punjab Assembly, but were stopped at the High Court Chowk by the police. As the protests intensified, the policemen took away all the Akali leaders and workers by putting them in vehicles.

There was a tussle between the AAP government and the governor
Earlier, there was a tussle between the AAP government and Governor BL Purohit over calling a special session for the trust vote. The governor first approved it but later canceled it. After this, the AAP government again held a cabinet meeting and called a session on 27 September. The governor asked for the agenda before approving it. When CM Bhagwant Mann reacted sharply, the Governor sent him to read the Articles of the Constitution. After this, the government told the GST, stubble and electricity issues in the assembly, after which the session got the approval of the governor.

Tributes were paid to the departed souls in the Vis session.

Tributes were paid to the departed souls in the Vis session.

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