Troubled by 50-year-old boyfriend, 17-year-old girl reached the police station, stabbed to death

Murder In Police Station: Whenever something wrong happens to someone, they first resort to the police, for this a complaint is filed by going to the police station, but what if your life is at risk in the police station itself? One such case has come to the fore in Cuba. Where a 17-year-old girl reached the police station to complain about her 50-year-old ex-boyfriend, she was murdered in front of the police officers. There is an atmosphere of panic in Cuba because of this whole matter.

A man reached the police station with a knife
In fact, 17-year-old Lady Bakalao, who lives in Cuba, went to a party, where her ex-boyfriend also came and started harassing her. This 50-year-old man also threatened the Bakalas. After this the girl directly reached the police station. Here she was telling her story to the officers that her ex-boyfriend who came from behind stabbed her several times with a knife. The badly injured girl was rushed to the hospital, but later succumbed to her injuries.

The surprising thing is that all this happened in front of the police officers. By the time the policemen could understand anything, the accused had stabbed the girl. There was a difference of about 30 years between the girl and her ex-boyfriend. The whole incident took place on Saturday, February 4, in the city of Nuevitas in the central province of Camagüey, about 500 km east of Havana.

Anger against police on social media
The name of the attacker is Eleswan Hidalgo, who has already been involved in many crimes. Its behavior was also very aggressive. When this man harassed his ex-girlfriend at a party and she left the party to go to the police station, the 50-year-old man pulled out a knife and chased her. Cuban people are angry after this murder. People are lashing out at the police on social media. A campaign has started on social media regarding this murder and questions are being raised on law and order.

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