Tips to sharpen your memory: Nutritionist suggests

We all have our moments of forgetfulness. As life gets busy, we seem to forget a lot of the things that we feel are not that important to be remembered. But with a little nudge, we can bring back the memories quite freshly as well. That is a natural occurrence of how the mind works. However, there are times when people undergo poor memory problems. And that can be very disturbing as well as frustrating to not be able to remember the things that are essential to be remembered. Preserving the grey cells are important for people of all ages and professions. Addressing this issue, Nutritionist Anjali Mukerjee wrote, “And whether you are a student, a working professional, a house wife or a senior citizen wanting to preserve his grey cells, everyone wants and needs to have a good memory.”

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Anjali further noted down a few tips on how we can sharpen our memory through a few practices and lifestyle changes:

Mental exercise: Practices that can exercise the mind and the memory such as solving puzzles, reading books or learning a new language.

Proper sleep: A proper sleep of at least 7-8 hours in a day involves the brain storing and processing information properly and keeping the memory healthy.

Passion: When we are passionate about something, we try multiple times to get better at it. This creates hard wires in the brain and improves memory functions.

Healthy diet: A diet consisting of antioxidant rich fresh fruits, vegetables, Omega-3 fat induced foods and fibrous grains help in sharpening the mind.

Alcohol: The nutritionist recommends that we must quit alcohol as it kills brain cells and reduces alertness and memory functions.

Meditation: It helps in destressing the mind, improving concentration and memory as well.

Stress: Stress can be disastrous for the memory, and hence should be avoided.

Substance abuse: Addictive practices such as alcohol, tobacco and use of drugs have severe negative impacts on the memory as well.

Fast foods: It is important to avoid fast food items as they are deprived of nutrients and hence, adversely affect the memory.

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