Tips to protect your lungs during the festive season

Asthmatics may experience worsening symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath as a result of the smoke and pollutants that firecrackers create. Cold weather is a time to enjoy sunlight and outdoors during the day but the time from dusk to dawn is troublesome for some, especially kids and people with lung diseases like COPD and Asthma. Cold air is dry and can cause inflammation of the lungs causing trouble. However, if we take some precautions and modify our behaviour we can have the best the season has to offer. Small modifications and preventions guidelines can go a long the way in leading a healthier life. (Also read: World Lung Day 2022: Yoga and Ayurveda tips to keep your lungs healthy )

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr. Manish Jajodia, MBBS, MS and DNB in Surgery, StanPlus, shared tips to protect your lungs during this festive season.

  • Avoid dust: Masking protects from particulate matter which is larger than 3 microns( N95). Dust and cold are triggers for asthma.
  • Monitor air quality forecasts: Avoid going outside when the AQI ( Air Quality Index) is bad. You can track AQI through several apps or websites like Plume Labs, Air Matters and Airlief. Use it especially when you have an outdoor activity planned like running, cycling or just want to sit out for a hot coffee.
  • Use humidifiers and air purifiers: If the air quality in your city is bad you can modify the indoors by using equipment like purifiers with HEPA filters and humidifiers. Alternatively, modern air conditioners have these facilities and can be used.
  • Keep your nose and mouth covered: Use a cloth or scarf to cover your mouth. It heats air and moisturises the air before it enters the airway. If you have airway disease then don’t forget to take your medicines and always carry the emergency inhalers with you should you need them.
  • Avoid smoking/vaping: it goes without saying that these are extremely harmful to the lungs.

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