Those who eat beef may return home – Dattatreya: Hosbole said – those whom we call Hindus are Hindus

Jaipur6 minutes ago

Dattatreya Hosabale spoke on the topic of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh yesterday, today and tomorrow in a program organized at Birla Auditorium on Wednesday.

Deendayal Memorial Lecture was organized at Birla Auditorium, Jaipur. Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief executive Dattatreya Hosbole was present as the chief speaker. During this, Hosbole spoke on the topic of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh yesterday, today and tomorrow.

He said that more than 600 tribes in India used to say that we are different. Anti-India forces had done the work of provoking them. But Golwalkar ji told him that he was a Hindu. The door is not closed for them. Because we work on the concept of Vasudev Kutumbakam. Why has someone eaten beef under compulsion? But for some reason he left. So can’t close the door. Even today he can return home.

Hosbole said that India is a Hindu nation. Because the makers of this country are also Hindus. Some people say that there is no Hindu in Ved Puran, but it is not that they should not be accepted in Ved Puran. He said that the truth and useful things should be accepted.

He said – Dr. Hedgewar did not get into the interpretation of who the Hindus are. Those who consider the land of India as their ancestral land are Hindus. Those whose forefathers are Hindus, they are Hindus. Those who consider themselves as Hindus are Hindus. Those whom we call Hindus are Hindus. Hosbole said that all the people living in India are Hindus. Because his forefathers were Hindus. Their worship method may be different. But they all have the same DNA.

Hosbole performing during the program organized at Birla Auditorium in Jaipur.

Sangh considers all religions and sects as one.

He said in the program – Sangh is neither right wing, nor left wing. Rather nationalist. The Sangh considers all the religions and sects of India as one. In such a situation, only with the collective efforts of all, India will lead the world by becoming Vishwa Guru.

Sangh endured every pain and said enjoy the pain. Today the Sangh is at the center of national life. The Sangh will continue to do the work of individual building and society building. Will work for the society by connecting the people of the society. Today one lakh service works of the Sangh are going on. Sangh is a way of life and way of working. Sangh is a lifestyle and Sangh has become a movement today. The name of the invention of continuous development of Hindutva is RSS.
In the programme, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh spoke on the topic yesterday, today and tomorrow.

In the programme, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh spoke on the topic yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Heart is not needed to understand Sangh

Addressing the program, he said – To understand the Sangh, heart is not needed to understand the Sangh. Only the mind will not work, because it is the work of the Sangh to make heart and mind. This is the reason why today the Sangh’s influence is in the national life of India. RSS played a role in establishing democracy in the country. This thing was written by foreign journalists.

There was a conch shell of Hindu awakening against conversion in Tamil Nadu. He told the Sangh’s period of struggle, how the Sangh passed through the period of struggle. Mentioned the time when journalists did not even publish news on the advice of the Sangh. But today the Sangh is published. So the paper sells. Hundreds of Sangh people were killed in the country. But the Sangh workers are not scared.

Former Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje talking to Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh's Nimbaram and Co-Worker Dattatreya Hosbole.

Former Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje talking to Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh’s Nimbaram and Co-Worker Dattatreya Hosbole.

The Sangh is only going to work in the interest of the nation, and we are nationalists. During this, a large number of BJP and RSS workers including Rajasthan Leader of Opposition Gulabchand Kataria, former Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje, Bharatiya Janata Party state president Satish Poonia were present.

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