This woman has not cut nails for 22 years, the length is 42 feet

Diana Has world’s Longest Nails: America’s Diana Armstrong has set the record for the woman with the longest nails in the world. With nails of more than 42 feet, he has registered his name in the Guinness World Record. Armstrong has extended this cultivation of nails in 22 years. During this, she did not even go to any nail salon. With these nails, troubles also came in her life, but she did not give up and she continued to grow them with great patience.

22 years did not go to the salon

The title of being a woman who has the longest nails in the world has been added to the name of Diana Armstrong. Diana has been growing these nails for 25 years. The extent was reached when he did not even approach the nail salon for 22 years. Because of this, the length of his nails increased to 1,306.58 cm (42 ft 10.4 in) since 1997. According to this length, his nails are equal to a school bus. She also continued with her daily chores with these nails.

Nails not cut in daughter’s sorrow

Diana Armstrong of Minnesota last cut her nails in the year 1997. Then his nails were cut by his daughter Latisha. After this, his 16-year-old daughter Latisha died of an asthma attack in her sleep. This shocked Diana a lot. It was only after the death of her daughter that she swore that she would never cut her nails. After this her other children tried to persuade her to get a manicure done, but she did not agree. The children respected his wish and allowed him to grow his nails.

how long time passed

Living life with such long nails is not easy and the same thing happened with Diana. He told that he had trouble in closing the zip of the pants and jacket to driving the car. While driving the car, he had to keep his hands out of its window, so he stopped driving the car but did not cut his nails. He also has to face trouble in public rest rooms, because his nails are unusually long. Diana says she can only open a can of soda, but she needs a knife for that too.

how to care

Diana said, “It takes about 10 hours to file and polish each nail. I use a Dremel Woodwork tool to file them. I get them maintained every 4 to 5 years. It takes 15 to 20 nail polish bottles to paint them.I have painted them only last week and it took me 4 days to do this work.

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