This system will tell in advance about dangerous diseases like corona

Coronavirus New Variant: UK (United Kindom)’s ‘Welcome Sanger Institute’  The researcher has claimed that he can now easily detect the new variant of the corona occurring in the future. A report by the researcher has recently disclosed this in the English portal ‘The Guardian’. The researcher there has published a report in which he has told that we have created such a technology that we can easily detect new variants of corona coming in the future. The team of researchers said, we have made a chip through which the symptoms of new variants of corona can be easily detected. Also, new variants of the influenza virus, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), can also be easily detected through this chip. 

This is a project named ‘Respiratory Virus and Microbiome Initiative’. Under this, bacteria and fungal infections can be easily detected from the sample of swelling or frozen phlegm in the patient’s nose.  It is tailored to your DNA technology. 

‘Sanger Institute’ project

Evan Harrison who is leading this project at ‘Sanger Institute’. It is a world famous institute for genetics research and DNA sequencing. According to Evan Harrison, the UK was at the leading edge of genomic surveillance of Covid-19 and was responsible for around 20%. All Sars-CoV-2 genomes that were sequenced during the pandemic.  

Evan Harrison

Harrison said, ‘We have created this technique by tracking many old records and data. With speed and accuracy – SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19. How do the variants of Kovid-19 change? It is a wonderful aid in helping fight illness. We are now aiming to contribute to building a global genomic surveillance of all respiratory disorders. After all, it is these agents that are most likely to trigger new pandemics.’ An example of the threat of future pandemics is provided by the coronavirus. The remarkable potential of the technique came to the fore when researchers used genomic surveys during the Covid pandemic.    

The chip that detects the new variant of Corona is named Genomic

According to ‘The Guardian’, in the year 2020, there was a sudden increase in the cases of Kovid in South-North England. This technology showed that this boom is happening due to a new variant. It was later relabelled as the Sars-CoV-2 alpha variant. John Sillitoe, spokesman for genomic monitoring of the Sanger Institute, said, ‘This discovery was a gamechanger. We generated genomic data very quickly and we could see that this variant was being transmitted at a very high rate. The world could see what genomics could do. This allows you to see changes in the virus much faster than with other methods.’     

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do consult a doctor or a related expert.    

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