‘This is China’s internal matter, don’t forget the limits’, Dragon on Britain’s report on human rights abuses

Human Rights Situation in China: Britain had released a report on human rights abuses in China, which China opposed and called it full of irresponsible comments and derogatory allegations. Describing the report as baseless, China said that China has always been committed to protecting and promoting the human rights and basic freedoms of its people. Also said that human rights have progressed in the country.

A statement issued by China’s embassy in Britain stressed that all matters relating to Xinjiang, Hong Kong and Tibet are China’s internal affairs, in which no foreign interference is allowed. With regard to Hong Kong, it was said that in the past 25 years since joining its motherland, Hong Kong residents have enjoyed far greater rights and freedoms in accordance with the law.

What was said in the UK report?

Britain said on Friday that the human rights situation in China is continuously deteriorating and Uyghur Muslims are facing a dire situation. Britain’s Foreign Ministry said in a report on the development of human rights around the world in the year 2021 that the human rights situation in China has been continuously deteriorating in the year 2021. The title of this report is Human Rights and Democracy.

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The report said that restrictions have been imposed on freedom of media, freedom of religion and rule of law. Also, such policies have been made in China which violate human rights. Also, China is continuously developing such technology which directly violates human rights.

What did China say?

On behalf of the Chinese Embassy in Britain, it was said that China always welcomes the media and journalists of other countries to China according to the law and regulations. The claim of the British side regarding China’s restrictions on media freedom is completely baseless. The statement further said that we urge Britain to rectify its hypocrisy on human rights issues, stop its double standards and also stop any interference in China’s internal affairs.

read this also: Human Rights Abuse: US bans two Chinese officials, alleges human rights violations in Tibet

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