Third death in BPCL depot blast: Vinod was admitted to Viva Hospital; two drivers died earlier

Bhopal11 minutes ago

The accident took place on October 21 at the depot located at Bhouri. So far three have died in this accident.

Vinod, who was seriously injured in the tanker blast that took place on October 21 at the depot of BPCL (Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited) at Bakania Bhauri on Bhopal-Indore bypass, also succumbed to his injuries. He suffered severe burns and was admitted to Viva Hospital. This is the third death in this accident. Before Vinod, two drivers have died.

Vinod used to work in the casual department. The family is outraged by his death and allegations are also being made of not getting proper treatment. On the other hand, the Tanker Association has demanded proper compensation to the family members. Abdul Rehman Khan of the association told that Vinod was a daily wage worker. The facilities and compensation given to the families of the deceased drivers should also be given to the families of Vinod.

All those present at the filling point were in the grip
When this accident happened on October 21, then 7 people were present at the filling point, who got scorched after being hit by it. These included tanker drivers, cleaners and depot employees. The names of those affected are Salman (30), Shanu (35), Vinod (37), Raja Miyan (40), Shirak (18), Chhotelal (28) and Antram (40). Out of this, four injured were then admitted to the ICU. Of these, two drivers Salman (30) and another had died earlier. Vinod, a daily wage worker, died on Friday.

Depot is still sealed for investigation
An expert team of Petroleum and Explosive Safety Organization is investigating to investigate the explosion in the tanker. At the same time, the investigation is also going on by the district administration. Due to this the depot has been sealed for the time being. After this, petrol and diesel are being supplied in the capital along with Reliance’s depots from Indore and Bina.

Blast took place in the third compartment of Indore’s tanker

  • The tanker (MP09-GF4775) in which the blast took place was registered with the Indore Transport Department. According to the website of the Transport Department, the tanker is registered in the name of Sitaram Sahu, a resident of Panjon Colony Indore. Its registration took place in November 2021. 12 thousand liters of fuel is filled in the tanker. There are three compartments inside the tanker. 4-4 thousand liters of fuel are filled in them.
  • It was told that at the time of the accident, one compartment of the tanker was filled with petrol, while the other was being filled with diesel, when the accident happened. The blast took place in the third compartment. The district administration, police started investigating the tanker. It is being investigated by experts regarding the incident. Along with this, the security system of the depot is also being investigated. In the preliminary investigation, some part of the tanker is torn near the lid made for refueling on top of the tanker, due to which it is being said that the explosion took place.

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