Thieves cleaned their hands at Sidhu Bakery in Jalandhar: broke the cash counter and took 60 thousand cash, the whole incident was captured in CCTV

Jalandhar27 minutes ago

Sidhu Bakery in Jalandhar’s Aman Nagar where thieves got away

The sway of thieves and robbers is not ending in Jalandhar city. Incidents of theft and robbery are happening in the city every day. The latest case has now come to the fore of Sidhu Bakery located at Aman Nagar in Jalandhar city. Here the thieves cleaned their hands during the night. Thieves broke the neck of the bakery and took away about 60 thousand rupees of cash lying in it. The owner of the bakery has also lodged a complaint in this regard with the police station division number 8.

Bakery’s broken gall from which cash was taken

The owner of the bakery, Gurpreet Singh, says that the thieves had entered through the balcony during the night. Gurpreet said that he has an empty plot with his bakery. The thieves first went to the roof of the shop by taking a ladder. From there he came to the balcony of the shop. He said that the thieves first broke the window grill in the balcony and then came inside.

He said that as soon as the thieves entered the bakery, they attacked the galley directly. The thieves broke the galley and fled with the cash of about 60 thousand rupees lying in it. He said that all the acts of the thieves have also been captured in the CCTV cameras installed in the bakery. He said as per the CCTV footage the number of thieves was two.
After the theft, the owner of the shop and his close ones looking at the goods in the bakery

After the theft, the owner of the shop and his close ones looking at the goods in the bakery

The owner of the bakery, Gurpreet Singh, resident of Aman Nagar, expressed doubts that the thieves who raided the bakery had also conducted a recce of the bakery earlier. It is clear from the CCTV footage that he was already aware of everything in the shop. However, on the complaint of Gurpreet, the police of police station division number eight has started its investigation after scanning the CCTV footage.

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