There was a fierce dispute between two parties in Greater Noida: Firing took place outside the house, video went viral

Greater Noida5 minutes ago

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Video of young man firing from the roof.

In Greater Noida, there was a fierce dispute between the two parties, the firing took place outside the house, the video went viral

In the Dadri police station area of ​​Greater Noida, there was a fierce dispute between the two sides. During this, brick stones and sticks were fired in both the sides. During this many rounds of firing also took place. The video of the young man firing during the quarrel also went viral on social media. .

On Tuesday night, there was a dispute between the landlord and the tenant in Daulat Ram Colony of Dadri over the transaction of money. Darsal Tejveer Singh has a house in Daulat Ram Colony. He had a dispute with Shokendra, who lived in his own house on rent. .

Landlord’s son fired

The dispute between these two increased so much that after a fierce fight, bricks and stones were fired in each other side and after that several rounds of firing took place. It is being told that this firing was done by the boy of the landlord. Went.

Firing video went viral

At the time when those youths were firing, a video was made by someone from the terrace and the video went viral on social media. In the video, outside the house with a pistol in hand, the youth is abusing fiercely and firing fiercely.

Panic in the entire colony due to firing

After the dispute between both the sides, there was fierce firing by one side. During this many rounds were fired by these people and after reaching the house of the other side, the whole colony reverberated and panic among the people. The atmosphere happened. At the time when the firing was taking place, people were imprisoned in their homes.

Police engaged in investigation

Dadri police station in-charge Rakesh Kumar told that there was a dispute between the two parties regarding the transaction of money. After that there has been a fight and firing has also taken place in this case. Action is being taken.

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