There is no burning of Ravana here: Worship for 187 years in Punjab; bottle of wine and offering goat’s blood

Vivek Sharma, LudhianaOne hour ago

There is also a village in Punjab, where Ravana is not burnt on the day of Dussehra but he is worshipped. This village is in Payal town of Ludhiana district. This village considers Ravana as a hero. The tradition of worshiping Ravana started in this village from about 189 years ago.

which continues today. On the day of Dussehra, Ravana is worshiped with a bottle of wine and goat’s blood. The faith of Ravana worship is associated with the birth of a son. At the same time, once some mischievous people broke the idol of Ravana, it was re-implanted on the recommendation of the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka.

story behind ravana puja

Beliefs related to Putra Ratna: Anil Dubey, a member of the Dubey family, told that his ancestor Hakim Birbal Das did not get child happiness even after 2 marriages. Because of which he went away with retirement. There a saint inspired him to conduct Ramlila and lead a household life. After returning, on the day of Dussehra, he received the Putra Ratna. Behind this, he considered the blessings of Ravana.

Dubey tells that just as his ancestor had four sons, in the same way he also has four sons with the blessings of Mahatma Ravana. Dubey says that people come here to make a vow to get a son. When their vow is fulfilled, then on the day of Dussehra, a bottle of wine is offered here. Anil Dubey said that his family members from Pathankot, Chandigarh, Bhopal, Canada and Australia definitely reach here on the day of Dussehra.

Four sons born on the day of Dussehra: Anil Dubey says that he himself is also four brothers, all the four brothers were born on the day of Dussehra in a span of four years. At the same time, the four sons who have now were also born on the occasion of Dussehra. The reason for this is somewhere in his faith in Mahatma Ravana. According to Dubey, anyone who does not have a child, he must take the blessings of Mahatma Ravana once.

goat sacrifice and wine offering
Anil Dubey says that on the day of Dussehra, alcohol is offered to Mahatma Ravana. By the way, now symbolically, blood is applied to Ravana by sprinkling it from the wine bottle and making an incision on the goat’s ear. Ravana’s idol is tilaked by taking a little blood from the goat’s ear. People from far and wide come here to worship Ravana. This custom is completed in the late evening.

The temple was built by the Dubey family in 1835.
Let us tell you that in 1835, the Hakim Birbal Das of the Dubey family had built Shri Ram Mandir. After this, this Lankapati Ravana was worshiped by making an idol with cotton etc. After a few years passed, Ravana’s effigy of cement was installed here for sure. For 187 years, now this idol is worshiped every year. The Dubey family is handling the idol of Ravana and the temple of Shri Ram. This family is the 7th generation of Hakim Birbal Das ji.

… when the effigy was rebuilt on the recommendation of the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka
Yashpal, a resident of the village, told that in 1968, some superstitious people broke the statue overnight, calling it a hindrance in the progress of the city. There was no hearing from the Dubey family. Finally Ramakant Dubey sent a message via telegram to the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, Mrs. Sirimavo Bandaranaike. Sri Lankan Prime Minister Sirimavo Bandaranaike sent a message to the Prime Minister of India Mrs. Indira Gandhi and the then Chief Minister Giani Zail Singh intervened and got the matter resolved immediately.

Ravana started coming in the dream of the Egyptian who made him
Gurdeep Singh Kali, a resident of the village, tells that Ravana started coming in the dream of the Egyptian who had made the idol of Ravana. Mistry was scared and scared and came to the temple and himself started telling that Ravana was coming in his dream. Mistry had told that Ravana kept harassing him because when he had made an idol of Mahatma Ravana, he had climbed on Ravana’s head with shoes on his feet. Because of which Ravana was angry on him. Mistry asked for forgiveness in front of Ravana’s idol, then after going somewhere Ravana left him.

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