The train kept dragging the ten-year-old innocent for hundreds of meters, he died painfully – know what is the whole matter

Germany Hit And Run Case: A few days ago, the news of a girl being dragged from a car in Kanjhawala, capital Delhi, had given goosebumps to the people. But you will find the latest news coming from a town in Germany more scary than this. In fact, two children were not only hit by a train on Thursday in Recklinghausen town here, but were also dragged for a long distance. One child died in this incident while the other is seriously injured. Local newspaper Bild gave this information.

A 10-year-old boy was killed and another seriously injured after being hit by a freight train in the German city of Recklinghausen. Police said that a train passing through the Ruhr area dragged the children for several hundred meters along the railway line. Several youths were reportedly involved in the train accident, but the police are yet to share more details about the casualties.

Searching using drone
According to media reports, 35 firefighters and rescue personnel were deployed at the accident site. Rescue teams were searching the track bed and using drones to search for victims. The 10-year-old boy who was injured in the accident is fighting for life, said Herbert Reuel, the interior minister of North Rhine-Westphalia state, after visiting the scene on Thursday night. “It’s terrible. What happened here is terrible and you can imagine the pain the parents must be going through,” the family of the injured child was quoted as saying by Reuters news agency.

This type of incident is also happening in India.
In the past, many similar cases have come to the fore in India as well. Where the passers-by have been dragged after hitting the vehicle. A few days ago, a speeding truck hit a female teacher in Banda, UP. After this, he was dragged for about three kilometers. During this, due to some reason, a massive fire broke out in the truck. The truck started burning in no time. After getting the information, the police team reached the spot. Along with this, the fire brigade was also informed. The fire brigade team reached the spot and brought the fire under control.

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