The servant gave the family intoxicants in soup: cash and jewelery were removed by cutting the safe, the 10-year-old son called the guard and got him caught

Noida8 minutes ago

Police standing under flat in society

In the Sunworld Vanalika Society located in Sector-107, Noida, on Sunday night, the servant gave the Zomato contractor wife and son intoxicants mixed in the soup. After this, he stole cash and jewelery by cutting the safe. However, the 10-year-old child of the contractor living in the flat did not get narcotic. He informed the security guard. The guards caught one of the accused who was trying to escape while the domestic servant escaped. The stolen mall has been recovered by the police.

Police present on the spot in the society

Nepalese servant…
Varun, a resident of the society, lives with his wife and 10-year-old son. The King of Nepal was working in his house for the last four years. A few days ago, the king also called his fellow saffron. On Sunday night, Varun asked Naresh to make chicken soup. In the meantime, Naresh mixed intoxicants in Varun’s soup and stole the jewelery and cash kept in the house and gave it to his fellow saffron. After this the king ran away.

The effect of the drug was not on the child…
ADCP Ashutosh Dwivedi said that the accused servant had also given drugs to a child of Varun’s family, but the drug did not have much effect on him. He came downstairs and informed the security guard about the incident. After this, King’s companion Kesar, who was carrying the stolen goods, was caught by the security guard near the gate. Naresh and Kesar were living in the servant quarters of the society for the past eight days.
police on the spot

police on the spot

Got admitted in the hospital then came to my senses…
Varun was taken to the nearby Jaypee Hospital with the help of the police and the people of the society. Varun’s condition is now said to be normal. Preliminary investigation has revealed that the police verification of Kesar and Naresh was not done. The police have appealed to the people and the RWAs to make the verification of servants and drivers necessary.

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