The sacrilege of the model of the Golden Temple in Amritsar: The shopkeeper stomped on the ground and hit him with his feet, expressed his displeasure with the SGPC

Amritsar10 hours ago

Model of Golden Temple thrown in feet.

A case of sacrilege of the model of Golden Temple has come to light in Amritsar, Punjab. A CCTV footage of which has also surfaced, in which a shopkeeper is seen breaking the Golden Temple. Nihang Sikhs have filed a case against the shopkeeper and his son in the market in front of the Golden Temple for hurting the sentiments of the Sikhs.

Nihang Sikhs alleged that the owner of shop number 102-103 in the market built in front of the Golden Temple, Kashmir Singh and his son had done this sacrilege. Whose complaint has been given on their behalf in the corridor post. He said that around 9 pm on Thursday night, a Hindu man had come to Kashmir Singh’s shop to give a model of the Golden Temple. He had prepared that model for 12 thousand rupees. But when that Hindu youth asked for his remuneration, he became in tune with Kashmir Singh.

Members of the Nihang Jathebandi reached the market in front of the Golden Temple.

Kashmir Singh hit the model

Nihang Sikhs told that Kashmir Singh got angry and threw that model on the ground. After this, he also hit him with his feet. After the matter came to light, all the Sikhs gathered and went to the shop. Now a complaint has been made against him in the corridor post.

Expressed displeasure with SGPC

The Nihang Sikhs have also expressed their displeasure with the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) during this period. He says that this complaint has been made on his behalf, it should have been done by SGPC or Dharma Prachar Committee. Incidents of sacrilege are happening daily, but SGPC is not taking strict action on it.

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