The policemen arrived in civil dress to catch the criminal, the villagers thrashed them fiercely

Jhansi Crime: A strange case has come to light from Jhansi in Uttar Pradesh. Here the villagers thrashed the three policemen who went to catch the criminal. After this the criminal managed to escape from the clutches of the police. Among the policemen, Garautha police station had a sub-inspector and two constables who had come to raid the village in civil dress. After this, the policemen again wearing uniform came with their team, but till then no trace of the culprit could be found. On this incident, the police have registered a nominated report against four villagers and they are also being searched.

what was the whole matter

Last Monday evening at around 07:00 pm, Nakul and two constables of Garautha police station in plain clothes had reached Hirapur village of Kakarbai police station in Jhansi to nab the wanted criminal. At that time, after the Yajna in a Mata Mandir established in the village, Bhandara was being held nearby, in which a large number of villagers were present.

During this, Chhatrapal of the village reached there in an inebriated state, due to which inspector Nakul started inquiring about the criminal Angad Singh. Meanwhile, on getting the information, the inspector took the criminal Angad into custody with the help of constables. Being in plain clothes, the villagers could not recognize the policemen and took out the keys of their car and surrounded them. The angry villagers thrashed the policemen fiercely. During this, Angad managed to run away after getting a chance.

The policemen who ran away after saving their lives complained to the police station

Seeing the angry villagers, the constable and the constable escaped from there after saving their lives and reached the Kakarbai police station and lodged a complaint. After this, the Garotha police was also given complete information about this incident. After some time, the police along with their team from Kakarbai and Garautha police station reached Hirapur village. But, before his arrival, the accused had fled from the village.

On Chhatrapal’s Tahrir, the police filed a report against Drigpal Singh, Dharmendra Singh, Amit Kumar and Satyendra Kumar of the village on charges of assault. In this case, SSP Rajesh S said that the search for the accused villagers is on. Those who have attacked the police will be arrested soon and sent to jail.

read this also- Bengaluru Crime: When caste became a hindrance in love marriage, the young man killed his girlfriend, stabbed her 17 times

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