The government of this country is giving 2 lakh rupees for giving birth to a child, know what is the reason for this

Japan News: In India, where on one hand the central government is thinking of implementing the population control law in the entire country, on the other hand, the government of Japan is encouraging people to have more and more children. Even the Japanese government is ready to give lakhs of rupees to the parents for having children.

The government of Japan believes that by doing this it can increase the decreased birth rate there. The responsibility of this work has been given to the health department there.

What is the plan of the Japanese government

The Government of Japan is sending about 420,000 yen i.e. 2 lakh rupees to the people who have become new parents in their account. The government is sending this amount to the parents in their accounts in the name of childbirth and child care. According to Japan Today’s report, the Japanese government is also considering increasing this amount to 500,000 yen. The health department had also met Prime Minister Fumio Kishida to discuss the proposal. This proposal is expected to be implemented from next year.

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Delivery is expensive in Japan

Although the people of Japan say that this amount given by the government is still very less. He says that about 473,000 yen is spent on the delivery of a child in Japan. Government help will be spent only in delivery. The parents there have to face a lot of difficulties in raising the child.

Japanese school video went viral

In a recently viral video, children of a Japanese school are being taught “manners lessons” through a play. In the video, it is shown that children are acting to sit in a bus, where one child is acting as the driver. The rest of the children remain passengers. Children enter the bus as a new child, elderly and so do senior citizens, school children with heavy bags as well as a pregnant woman. It is shown that children get up from their seats while paying respect to him.

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