The bridge fell as soon as the ribbon was cut for the inauguration, this is the condition of the guests due to fear, see viral video

Congo Viral Video: A video from Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo, is becoming increasingly viral, in which some dignitaries gathered to inaugurate a footbridge in the Congolese capital on Monday, as they cut the ribbon of the bridge’s inauguration. falls. Barely the guests are saved. Fear takes their toll and their plans to celebrate at the bridge’s inauguration go awry. Because the people involved with the inaugural guest also have a bottle of champagne in their hands.

Seeing this scene of the opening of the bridge, the spectators start making noise and the guests also start shouting loudly. Its video has been released by news agency Reuters. Many people have shared this video. It can be clearly seen in this video that as soon as the guests cut the ribbon of the opening, the bridge collapses.

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The video which has gone viral shows a footbridge collapsing during the opening ceremony and dignitaries called for the opening ceremony lose their balance and struggle to get out of the broken bridge.

The bridge fell as soon as the ribbon was cut

A Reuters report said that as an organizer cut the ribbon at the ceremony in Kinshasa’s Mont-Ngaphula district, the bridge collapsed, breaking both of its handrails, and part of the main bridge fell into the river a few meters below.

no casualties reported

According to the report, no casualties were reported in the incident, while the onlookers could clearly be seen shouting as the VIPs struggled to get out of the rubble. Footage from the video showed a man in a military uniform and goggles holding an open bottle of champagne among the last to first climb the bridge.

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