Taiwan: Local elections are being held in Taiwan today amid tension with China, results will come by evening

China-Taiwan Conflict: Voting is being held for local elections in Taiwan. Their results will also come by this evening. Through these elections, Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen has tried to give a message to the whole world in the midst of growing enmity with China. Mayors, county heads and councilors of Taiwanese cities will be elected through local elections.

The local elections being held in Taiwan on Saturday are based on domestic issues only, they have no direct relation with China. Although the president has preferred the election over a local election, he has said that the world is watching how Taiwan protects its democracy amid military tensions with China. China considers this island country as its province.

Opposition KMT party won in 2018
Let us inform that in the local elections held in the year 2018, Taiwan’s main opposition party KMT (KMT) had won. The KMT has accused Tsai and her Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) of escalating the confrontation with China. The KMT favors closer ties with China, but denies being pro-Beijing.

Tsai Ing-wen’s second term in office will end in 2024

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The results of these elections in Taiwan are important for both the opposition KMT and the ruling DPP, as the country’s next presidential and parliamentary elections are due in 2024. The DPP defeated the KMT in 2020 despite losing the 2018 local elections. Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen’s second term ends in 2024. She cannot stand again as President due to term limits.

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