Taiwan gears up to teach a lesson to China, record increase in defense budget

Taiwan Raised Defense Budget: Taiwan has decided to strengthen its military power in view of the increasing tension with China. Taiwan on Thursday announced a record increase in its defense budget. Taiwan has directly challenged China by increasing its defense spending. According to defense experts, this decision of Taiwan has reached the peak of tension between the two in decades. Let us tell you that Taipei has proposed to spend $ 19.41 billion in the defense sector next year.

The apex budget agency said in a statement that an additional special budget would also be created specifically to acquire new fighter jets and other projects to boost naval and air capabilities. “To protect national security, the total defense budget for next year will reach $586.3 billion,” a cabinet spokesman quoted Premier Su Tseng-chang as saying.

Taiwan made a record increase in defense budget

Let us tell you that since 2017, Taiwan has increased its annual defense budget by less than 4 percent, but this year Taiwan has increased its defense budget by double digits. According to the information, Taiwan will increase defense spending mainly on ‘operational cost’. Let us tell you that in view of the threat of China, Taiwan is continuously increasing its defense budget.

China had objected

Earlier this month, Beijing conducted unprecedented military drills around Taiwan in retaliation for US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taipei. In view of this, Taiwan has been alerted and it has also started its preparations to deal with China. Let us tell you that China had also expressed its displeasure with the US over Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan and termed the visit as an attempt to interfere in China’s internal affairs.

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