Yogasan Sports Championship organized for the first time in Saudi Arabia

Yogasan Sports Championship organized for the first time in Saudi Arabia, more than 112 people participated…

Travel workout tips: Alia Bhatt’s trainer demonstrates a routine

In our busy schedule through life and work, our fitness often takes a backseat. While we…

Best Yoga asanas to keep yourself energized in this changing weather

Yoga is the addition of energy, strength and beauty to body, mind and soul and after…

Yoga for Prostate Cancer: Best Yoga exercises to combat prostate growth in men

Only in the male reproductive system is the prostate gland, a little endocrine gland that is…

Yoga for asthma: Breathing exercises for patients with bronchial asthma

Every organ, muscle and system in the body is affected by our breathing, which happens naturally…

Tips and activities to reduce stress levels, promote better fertility and sexual health

Stress is a major problem that people are neglecting as they are unaware of the health…

Yoga for pancreas: 4 Yoga poses for improving pancreas functioning, better bladder control, strengthening pelvic floor

The natural ageing process is thought to be the cause of prostate enlargement, which would explain…

Alia Bhatt’s trainer demonstrates Ashwa Sanchalanasana, speaks of benefits

Yoga comes with a range of health benefits. Recommended by multiple health and fitness experts, yoga…

Yoga for lungs: 5 best exercises to improve your lung capacity

The holistic, old-fashioned science of wellbeing is called Yoga where Yoga poses are made to maintain…

6 Yoga exercises for persons with low bone density or Osteoporosis

Those who have osteoporosis may find Yoga helpful as a small study in 2009 found that…

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