হার্ট অ্যাটাকের ঝুঁকি বাড়িয়ে দেয় যে অসুখ

কলকাতা: হার্ট অ্যাটাক (Heart Attack)। হৃদরোগ। নানা কারণে এই মারাত্মক রোগের শিকার হতে পারেন। বিশেষজ্ঞরা জানান,…

World Heart Day 2022: Why walnuts may be the top nut for a healthy heart

World Heart Day 2022: In 2016, according to the WHO, India reported 63 percent of total…

World Heart Day 2022: Heart attacks on rise due to high cholesterol, say doctors

World Heart Day 2022: Heart attack in youth is increasing for many reasons and experts say…

World Heart Day 2022: Top lifestyle changes to make after a heart attack

World Heart Day 2022: Sedentary lifestyle coupled with poor eating habits is deteriorating our heart health…

World Heart Day special 2022: 12 deadly ways Covid-19 has affected our heart

World Heart Day special 2022: While the end of the Covid-19 pandemic may be in sight,…

World Heart Day 2022: Can quick weight loss lead to heart attack? Here’s what experts say

World Heart Day 2022: Shedding kilos and achieving an ideal weight can help reverse a number…

World Heart Day 2022: Can screaming, losing temper trigger a heart attack? Experts answer

World Heart Day 2022: Do you frequently lose your temper or scream and shout at people…

Is it heart attack or panic attack? Experts on how to differentiate

World Heart Day 2022: Panic attack may seem like a heart attack at times as it…

World Heart Day 2022: Foods to eat and avoid for better heart health

World Heart Day 2022: Your eating habits contribute in a big way as far as your…

Open gym vs indoor gym: Which is better for your heart health? Experts answer

More and more people are now preferring to exercise in an open gym instead of indoor…

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