Another dreadful epidemic like Corona will create havoc in the world! These signs are visible

Another Coronavirus Like Pandemic: The world is still struggling with the coronavirus that came out three…

Panic of H3N2 virus in Maharashtra! 119 people infected in the state, 2 died, know its symptoms

Maharashtra H3N2 Virus Update: Hardly anyone will forget the devastation of Corona in the country and…

WHO is worried about the discovery of the origin of Kovid-19, expressed pain like this

Covid-19: How Corona was born, it remains a mystery even today. The origin of Covid-19 is…

The flu season is approaching. Are you prepared? Here’s what doctor suggests

Influenza or ‘flu’ as it is commonly called, has caused massive global pandemics and resulted in…

Ways to boost children’s immunity during winter season

While we all love winters, there’s no denying that it brings many health issues in children.…

Tips to build a healthy immune system to prevent communicable diseases

A health solution and precautionary fitness measures are extremely important to keep our immune system replenished…

बैक्टीरियल और वायरल संक्रमण में क्या है अंतर? यहां जानें सारी डिटेल्स

Bacterial and virus infection: अक्सर हम बैक्टीरियल इंफेक्शन और वायरल इंफेक्शन को एक ही समझ लेते…

China quarantines college students after Covid-19 cases detected in dormitory

Almost 500 students at China’s premier college for broadcast journalists have been sent to a quarantine…

Swine flu: Warning signs and symptoms, treatments, key precautions to avoid H1N1

H1N1 is simply one of the strains of the influenza virus, that causes H1N1 flu, also…

Malaysia scraps indoor face mask rule as Covid-19 wave eases

Malaysia is scrapping its rule requiring masks indoors, effective immediately, ending the last of its significant…

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