हल्दी का ऐसा इस्तेमाल शायद ही आपने पहले पढ़ा होगा

मुरझाएं हुए तुलसी को पलक झपकते कर देगा हरा, हल्दी का ऐसा इस्तेमाल शायद ही आपने…

High cholesterol: Common kitchen spices that can help control cholesterol

Too much bad cholesterol could play a havoc with your overall health and make you susceptible…

Air pollution: Foods to prevent harmful effects of pollution, boost immunity

As air quality continues to remain in ‘very poor’ category in Delhi-NCR there is no respite…

Ayurvedic home remedies to manage cough, cold and Covid

Winter is almost here and the change in season has caused surge in a number of…

Fight Omicron with these 6 essential nutrients suggested by dietician

Amid the emergence of new Omicron variants BQ.1 and BQ.1.1, XBB, that are not highly infectious…

हल्दी से बना ये खास ड्रिंक जरूर करें ट्राई, 4 दिन में पिघल जाएगी सारी चर्बी

Benefits of Turmeric: हल्दी एक मसाला है जो आपको आसानी से भारतीय किचन में मिल जाती…

New Omicron subvariants spreading fast; foods you must eat to boost immunity

A string of new Omicron subvariants have entered India and have been the cause of rising…

Diet plan for liver health: 10 foods that can work wonders for your liver

Liver carries out some of the most important functions in the body from regulating chemicals, digestion…

हल्दी की चाय में है कई गुण, इन गंभीर बीमारियों को कर सकता है दूर

Turmeric Tea : हल्दी स्वास्थ्य के लिए काफी गुणकारी मानी जाती है. इससे शरीर की सूजन…

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