How to eat right

As awareness about the dangers of unhealthy food habits grows in India, here’s the ultimate guide…

चावल और केला वजन बढ़ाता नहीं बल्कि ऐसे खाने से घटाता है

Weight Loss: इस मॉर्डन लाइफस्टाइल (Modern Lifestyle) में एक चीज ने जो सबको परेशान करके रखा…

Cereal Stock: Grain stock in the country reached a low of 5 years, the price of wheat and rice will increase

FCI Wheat and Rice Stock In India: Another bad news is coming out in the midst…

Effect of ban on rice export in the country, 10 lakh tonnes of goods stuck at ports, see what is the reason

Rice Export Ban In India 2022 : The Modi government at the Center has banned the…

Arhar dal now Rs 120 a kg: Rice prices in Prayagraj increased by Rs 20 in a year; Cauliflower and tomato in 50 rupees

Prayagraja few moments ago copy link Not only green vegetables, the prices of pulses and rice…

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