5 ways to support children in doing things they don’t like doing

We all have situations where we ask kids to do something they don’t want to do,…

How to make your home emotionally safe for your child: Expert shares tips

When we start parenting, we try to provide our children with the best of everything. Be…

How to help kids cope with grief and loss; Expert offers tips

Children behave and process complicated emotions in a different way than adults. That doesn’t imply, however,…

Why your child throws tantrums after you set limits: Psychologist explains

When we take up parenting, we ensure to give the best to our children. Bringing up…

6 ways to prepare your child for a new sibling

Arrival of a newborn baby in family is an exciting and happy event. However, parents could…

Things parents unknowingly do that distance them from their kids

Parents usually want the best for their kids and always wish them well, but a lot…

How to teach age-appropriate life skills to children: A therapist’s guide

Parenting is a tricky thing. We need to strike the correct chord between making the childhood…

Parenting tips: 5 tips for raising bicultural children

Bicultural means having or combining the cultural attitudes and customs of two nations, peoples or ethnic…

Is your child always hitting others? Know possible causes and tips to deal

It can be annoying, humiliating, and upsetting when your child constantly hits. It causes a sense…

Parenting Tips: How to stay calm when children throw tantrums

Parenting can be tricky. While watching our children grow and mould themselves into good human beings…

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