She fell in love with someone who won’t be allowed in | CNN

CNN  —  Carly Harris was a Mormon college student volunteering in November 2015 at a refugee…

Gunmen storm homes of UN staff in Sudan, according to reports, as confusion reigns over ceasefire | CNN

CNN  —  Gunfire, explosions and overhead fighter jets were heard across Sudan’s capital Khartoum on Tuesday,…

‘We left behind children in incubators:’ Witnesses describe hospital shelled in Sudan’s clashes | CNN

CNN  —  As fighting between warring factions has engulfed Sudan in recent days, hospitals treating people…

Fighting grips Sudanese capital for third day as death toll nears 100 | CNN

CNN  —  Intense and bloody fighting has gripped Sudan for a third day, as a violent…

At least 25 killed, 183 injured in clashes across Sudan as paramilitary group claims control of presidential palace | CNN

CNN  —  At least 25 people were killed and 183 others injured in clashes across Sudan,…

Netanyahu is backed into a corner. Here’s what he may do next | CNN

Editor’s Note: A version of this story first appeared in CNN’s Meanwhile in the Middle East…

Libyan armed group says barrels of missing natural uranium recovered | CNN

CNN  —  A Libyan armed group claims to have found the barrels of natural uranium that…

A quake of unthinkable proportions is due in Istanbul. Residents ask if the city is prepared | CNN

Editor’s Note: A version of this story first appeared in CNN’s Meanwhile in the Middle East…

More than two tons of natural uranium missing in Libya, nuclear watchdog says | CNN

CNN  —  Efforts are underway to find more than two tons of natural uranium reported missing…

Turkey’s earthquake caused $34 billion in damage. It could cost Erdogan the election | CNN

Editor’s Note: A version of this story first appeared in CNN’s Meanwhile in the Middle East…

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