Fasting tips for pregnant women planning to fast in the last 2 days of Navratri

During this festive season in India, Hindu devotees take up a fast of Navratri that includes…

Navratri 2022 recipes: 5 teas that you can drink while fasting during Navratri

Navratri 2022: The festivaldedicated to the nine goddesses, blessing us with power, abundance, wealth and health,…

Navratri smoothie recipes 2022: 5 delicious smoothies to enjoy during your fast

Navratri smoothie recipes 2022: With each passing day, the nine-day Navratri fasting can get slightly monotonous…

Navratri high-protein recipes 2022: 4 tasty vrat-friendly protein-rich dishes

Navratri high-protein recipes 2022: Keeping a fast during Navratri but troubled by hunger-pangs all day? Your…

Navratri drinks 2022: 11 healthy and refreshing beverages to have during fasting

Navratri drinks 2022: The nine-day Navratri fasting has begun from today (September 26) and will go…

Navratri special cookies 2022: 3 delicious and healthy cookie recipes to try

Navratri special cookies 2022: Here is Navratri, the most cherished Hindu festival. India and Indian souls…

Navratri 2022 special recipes: Vrat-friendly delicious raita recipes

Navratri 2022: The festival of Navratri is here to honour goddess Durga. Keeping fast on Navratri…

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