Robert Levinson Fast Facts | CNN

CNN  —  Here’s a look at the life of Robert Levinson, who went missing in Iran…

US bolsters forces in Middle East following series of attacks on US troops in Syria | CNN Politics

CNN  —  The US has bolstered its military forces in the Middle East following a series…

Why the Syrian drone strikes and US retaliation may yet be a big deal | CNN

CNN  —  The US has conducted an airstrike in Syria against what it said were Iranian-affiliated…

China has shattered the assumption of US dominance in the Middle East | CNN

CNN  —  With a grandiose diplomatic flourish China brokered a rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Iran,…

US sanctions top Iranian officials over “serious” human rights abuses against women and girls in prisons | CNN Politics

Washington CNN  —  The Biden administration took action Wednesday against several Iranian officials and entities for…

Near bomb-grade level uranium found in Iranian nuclear plant, says IAEA report | CNN

Abu Dhabi, UAE CNN  —  Uranium particles enriched to near bomb-grade levels have been found at…

Isolated Iran finds ally China reluctant to extend it a lifeline | CNN

Editor’s Note: A version of this story appears in today’s Meanwhile in the Middle East newsletter,…

Netanyahu outlines vision for two-state solution — without Palestinian sovereignty | CNN

Editor’s Note: A version of this story appears in today’s Meanwhile in the Middle East newsletter,…

Israel was behind drone attacks at military plant in Iran, US media report | CNN

CNN  —  US officials believe drone attacks at a military plant in Iran’s central city of…

Iran’s amassed enough material for ‘several nuclear weapons,’ says IAEA chief | CNN

Abu Dhabi CNN  —  Diplomatic efforts to prevent Iran developing a nuclear weapon should restart, said…

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