हाई ब्लड प्रेशर के मरीज हैं तो संभलकर रहिए, कोरोना हालत खराब कर देगा!

[ad_1] High Blood Pressure Treatment: खराब लाइफ स्टाइल कई रोगों को जन्म देती है. हाई ब्लड…

Symptoms and warning signs to look out for stress, tips to deal with the mental health issue

[ad_1] ‘Stress,’ the word as we use it today, was coined by Dr Hans Selye, a…

More senior citizens should check their blood pressure at home: Study

[ad_1] A new study has found that only 48 per cent of people aged 50 to…

World Heart Day 2022: Tips to manage stress and keep your heart healthy

[ad_1] Almost all of us know about the conventional risk factors for heart attacks and most…

Ayurveda tips for kidney: Here’s how to stop dialysis with Ayurvedic treatment

[ad_1] Globally, 1 in 10 individual is affected by severe kidney disease and nearly 850 million…

Do you have an overweight dog? Here are diet tips you must follow

[ad_1] Is your dog overweight? While this may not seem to be a concern to you…

Arterial stiffness increases blood pressure in adolescents through insulin resistance: Study

[ad_1] ANI | | Posted by Tapatrisha Das, Kuopio In the young population, arterial stiffness, a…

क्या केला घटा सकता है ब्लड प्रेशर? जानें क्या है एक्सपर्ट की राय

[ad_1] Blood Pressure Control: आधुनिक समय में लोगों को ब्लड प्रेशर की समस्या काफी ज्यादा हो…

Losing weight after 60: Healthy diet plan and exercise tips for seniors

[ad_1] A recent survey has shown that approximately 23% of the elderly in India are overweight…