High cholesterol: Common kitchen spices that can help control cholesterol

Too much bad cholesterol could play a havoc with your overall health and make you susceptible…

बीपी को करें टाटा बाय-बाय, खाएं ये चीजे

Blood Pressure Problems: बदलता खान पान और रहन-सहन कई बीमारियों का कारण बन गया है. खराब…

Tips and activities to reduce stress levels, promote better fertility and sexual health

Stress is a major problem that people are neglecting as they are unaware of the health…

Festive heart ailments: Causes and preventive tips

Festive season might be the time for many people when their heart disease manifests, especially those…

Yoga for heart: Different types of Pranayama to improve heart health, their steps and benefits

Our heart is constantly impacted in a negative way owing to the bad habits that we…

Ayurveda tips for kidney: Here’s how to stop dialysis with Ayurvedic treatment

Globally, 1 in 10 individual is affected by severe kidney disease and nearly 850 million individuals…

7 signs that your stress hormones are high

Having high stress hormones can be exhilarating at first; it can also lead to weight loss…

Tests to keep a keen track of your heart health

Heart is one of the vital organs of the body and optimal heart health is important…

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