How flu shots protect people with heart failure from death: Research

Flu vaccinations can prevent influenza and reduce cardiac consequences, which can both save the lives of…

World Heart Day special 2022: 12 deadly ways Covid-19 has affected our heart

World Heart Day special 2022: While the end of the Covid-19 pandemic may be in sight,…

World Heart Day 2022: Can quick weight loss lead to heart attack? Here’s what experts say

World Heart Day 2022: Shedding kilos and achieving an ideal weight can help reverse a number…

4 signs that you have heart failure and you don’t know

The burgeoning rate of heart attacks in India is a growing concern for everyone. Even healthy…

Heart: बीमार तो ख्याल रखते ही हैं, अगर आप फिट हैं तो दिल से जुड़ी इन बारीक चीजों पर ध्यान दें

How to prevent heart disease: पिछले कुछ ही सालों में अचानक आए हर्ट अटैक(Heart Attack) मामलो…

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