Foods you should or should not consume for a healthy heart

Diet plays a crucial role in cardiovascular health, affecting everything from blood pressure to your likelihood…

हार्ट अटैक के लक्षणों को कैसे पहचानें? जानें क्यों पड़ता है दिल का दौरा

Heart Attack: दिल का दौरा तब पड़ता है जब हृदय में रक्त का प्रवाह गंभीर रूप…

Researchers identify protein partners that might reprogram scar tissue cells, repair heart muscle

Researchers at the UNC School of Medicine have made important strides in the exciting fields of…

World Heart Day 2022: Why walnuts may be the top nut for a healthy heart

World Heart Day 2022: In 2016, according to the WHO, India reported 63 percent of total…

World Heart Day 2022: Can quick weight loss lead to heart attack? Here’s what experts say

World Heart Day 2022: Shedding kilos and achieving an ideal weight can help reverse a number…

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