How to eat right

As awareness about the dangers of unhealthy food habits grows in India, here’s the ultimate guide…

Diet tips to trim your tummy fat: Nutritionist suggests

Updated On Nov 16, 2022 04:20 PM IST Eating food items rich in high fibre content…

5 tips to make healthy meals taste great

Many people continuously battle to make tasty, healthy meals that are also beneficial for your waistline.…

World Heart Day 2022: Foods to eat and avoid for better heart health

World Heart Day 2022: Your eating habits contribute in a big way as far as your…

Healthy eating: Do we need portion control? A nutritionist on tips to eat right

Portion control is a method of eating where one consumes a specific amount of food while…

गलत तरीके से खाये जाते हैं ये फूड्स, जानें इसके बारे में सबकुछ

Eating Habits: अच्छी सेहत के लिए अच्छा खानपान होना भी बहुत जरूरी है. अगर आप अच्छा…

Healthy Eating Tips WHO: जानें किस राइस के सेवन से हो सकता है कैंसर से बचाव

Benefits of Brown Rice: भारत में चावल की कई प्रजातियां मिलती हैं और उन्हें हर घर…

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