GDP: GDP figures for the second quarter will come tomorrow, this is the estimate of SBI Research for the economic growth rate

GDP Forecast: The GDP figures for the July-September, 2022 quarter are to be released by the…

S&P Global Ratings reduced India’s GDP forecast, repo rate may increase by 0.35% by March 2023

Indian Economy: Two days later, on November 30, 2022, the Ministry of Statistics is going to…

Core Sector: Growth rate of 8 core industries increased by 3.3 percent in August, lowest in 9 months

Core Growth Sector Rate Update : According to the data released by the Ministry of Commerce…

Core Sector Growth Rate: Decline in production of 8 sectors in July, growth rate of 4.5%

Core Sector Growth Rate Update: In the first quarter of 2022-23, the DGP figure may have…

Core Sector Growth Rate: Decline in production of 8 sectors in July, growth rate of 4.5%

Core Sector Growth Rate Update: In the first quarter of 2022-23, the DGP figure may have…

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