Joke became a cause of controversy, after abusing, angry friend killed – accused absconding

Ahmedabad Murder: A shocking incident has come to light from Ahmedabad, the capital of Gujarat. Here…

Proposal jewellery that will surely get your bridesmaid to say ‘yes’

When your other half finally pops the question and your wedding day is in sight, the…

Good friendships are vital for healthier gut microbiome. Study reveals how

Even though social ties are essential for the health and well-being of social animals like humans…

Recipe: Ring in snack time early on Friday with these Onion Samosas

Friends are the chutney to our samosa and so, we if you were looking for an…

Are your secrets costing you more than you know?

Hiding a secret is the easy part. It’s carrying it around alone that is the real…

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