ब्यूटी पार्लर में हेयर वॉश कराते समय हो सकता है हार्ट स्ट्रोक, जानें क्या है इसकी वजह

What Is Beauty Parlour Stroke Syndrome: थकान भरे सप्ताह या महीने भर के काम के बाद…

Beauty parlour stroke: What triggers stroke during hair wash at salon; how to prevent it

It is common for ladies to get a hair wash at salon before a hair cut…

World Stroke Day: Warning signs of stroke everyone should know

A stroke occurs when the blood flow to the brain is disrupted and the lack of…

Diabetes: Signs that your blood glucose levels are too low

Controlling blood sugar levels is important for people with diabetes to avoid health complications. While persistent…

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