Weight loss tips: Apart from diet, focus on these things when burning calories

Weight loss is driven by energy balance, calorie in vs calorie out and if we tend…

वजन कम करने के लिए क्या खाएं सूजी या बेसन? जानें इनके फायदे

Dieting For Weight Loss: सूजी और बेसन का सेवन आप सभी ने किया ही होगा. ज्यादातर लोग…

Move over fried snacks and incorporate these healthy alternatives in your children’s diet this festive season

According to UNICEF’s 2022 Global Obesity Atlas, India is expected to have more than 27 million…

Yo-yo dieting: Is it good for you? Nutritionists answer

ByZarafshan Shiraz, Delhi Yo-yo, the toy spins quickly upwards and downwards, staying genuine to neither and…

Recipe: Craving seafood this weekend? Whip up an exotic dish of Hamachi Ceviche or Yellow Tail Fish

Protein intake is perhaps one of the most important parts of our daily diet as it…

4 signs that you have heart failure and you don’t know

The burgeoning rate of heart attacks in India is a growing concern for everyone. Even healthy…

Nutrition guide: Foods new mothers should add to diet, pregnant women must avoid during pregnancy

For many women, pregnancy is a confusing and challenging time but a woman’s diet during pregnancy…

National Nutrition Week 2022: Tips to add a variety to your diet with Flexible Dieting

ByZarafshan Shiraz, Delhi Flexible dieting is a dieting technique where once you fix your calories, as…

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