Lifestyle changes that a diabetic can make to avoid or lessen diabetes effect

Diabetes, like other rising chronic conditions in the country, has gained a lot of attention this…

World Diabetes Day 2022: Tips to manage diabetes when sugar levels hit high or drop low

Managing diabetes can be tough, especially when the sugar levels fluctuate throughout the day and for…

World Diabetes Day 2022: Best and worst time to eat dinner for diabetics revealed by expert

World Diabetes Day 2022: The timing of your meal can play a big role in managing…

World Diabetes Day 2022: 5 amazing seeds to control your blood sugar levels

When it comes to managing diabetes, it is always advised to add low GI foods to…

World Diabetes Day 2022: Diet plan for diabetic patients to maintain blood sugar

Diabetic patients tend to have higher blood sugar levels hence, it is often assumed that a…

Is your dog diabetic? Foods you must add to your pet’s diet

Like humans dogs too are at risk of diabetes as they get older. Once the diagnosis…

Diabetes: 5 natural ways to prevent diabetes before it starts

Considering the rapid rise in diabetes cases, the killer disease may soon become epidemic. Among the…

Healthy lifestyle can reduce risk of developing type 2 diabetes in women: Study

Researchers found that women who have a history of diabetes during pregnancy can still reduce their…

डायबिटीज के लिए दमदार है ये खास जड़ी-बूटी, ऐसे करें सेवन

Triphala Benefits : डायबिटीज एक ऐसी बीमारी है, जिसका जड़ से इलाज संभव नहीं है. कई…

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