Semaglutide | The wonder drug

Nitin Chaddha (name changed), a 44-year-old businessman in Delhi, gained 23 kilos during the Covid pandemic.…

The new perils of smog

Pollution in the air is not just a depressing sight. New science is shedding light on…

Corona vaccine reduces effect on these people, claims in research

Coronavirus Research: The effect of the Kovid-19 vaccine has been found to be less in people…

Now diabetes, thyroid and many diseases will be tested with the same diagnostic device!

Cipla: India provides medicines to countries around the world at affordable prices. That’s why India is…

Tips to prevent excessive skin drying in winter

Winter is dry and cold yet while we enjoy this season, we must also know a…

Bengali actress Aindrila Sharma dies at 24; can cancer cause cardiac arrest?

Popular Bengali actress Aindrila Sharma, 24, died on Sunday after suffering from multiple cardiac arrests. A…

PCOS diet for winter: Foods you must eat to manage PCOS symptoms

Winters are here and it’s the perfect season to make healthy modifications to your lifestyle as…

Connection between diabetes medications, multiple sclerosis: Study

A new University of Arizona Health Sciences study found that people older than 45 whose Type…

Fertility and diabetes: Steps diabetic people can take to ensure sexual health

Diabetes is an increasingly prevalent problem that has been associated with insulin resistance and high blood…

Ayurveda expert on amazing benefits of lauki juice, shares winter special recipe

Lauki or bottle gourd is a storehouse of many amazing nutrients and it is not without…

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