Ashton Kutcher steps down as Thorn anti-child sex abuse organisation’s Chairman amid controversy over Danny Masterson

Ashton Kutcher has stepped down from his role as chairman of the board at Thorn, an…

Old clips of Ashton Kutcher talking about underage Hilary Duff, Mila Kunis resurface amid controversy

Despite their apology video, the controversy around Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis isn’t dying down. The…

Ashton Kutcher, Mila Kunis called Danny Masterson ‘role model, confidant’ in letters to judge ahead of rape sentencing

Danny Masterson, who was jailed this week for raping two women, has been called a “role…

What led to Danny Masterson’s rape retrial and what happens next

A Los Angeles jury on Wednesday convicted actor danny masterson of two counts of rape in…

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