This system will tell in advance about dangerous diseases like corona

Coronavirus New Variant: UK (United Kindom)’s ‘Welcome Sanger Institute’  The researcher has claimed that he can…

3 foreigners found corona positive in Bihar, have come from Thailand, new variants will be investigated

Gone, in Bihar corona virus (Coronavirus) cases have started meeting once again. The health department is…

‘The changing variant of Corona does not have much effect in the country, the government is serious’

Corona XBB Variant India: The cases of increasing corona cases around the world have once again…

এই শীতেই আছড়ে পড়বে করোনার তিন ঢেউ! চিনে মৃত্যুসংখ্যা ১০ লক্ষ পেরোতে পারে

বেজিং: উত্তরোত্তর সংক্রমণ বৃদ্ধিতে অশনি সঙ্কেত দেখেছিলেন অনেকেই (China COVID Situation)। পরিস্থিতি আরও ভয়াবহ হয়ে উঠতে…

Corona wreaks havoc again in China, know how much danger India is facing from the new variant

How dangerous is Omicron BF.7?: After the relaxation of the restrictions of Kovid-19, once again the…

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